Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Take Two

Until Elaine alerted me, I had no idea that the whole post wasn’t published yesterday…and now the rest has disappeared. We can be fairly sure that it was user error, but I’m mad and blaming it completely on Word Press!  Here goes… Take 2.

My friend Rachel and I were processing yesterday about the challenge of taking new information and implementing it into our ministry.  It’s one thing to listen to a conference call, attend a conference or read a resource book, but it’s quite another to put it all into practice.  I don’t know about you, but procrastination, busyness and insecurity are only a few of the reasons that I often find myself stuck in a rut and unable to implement things that I was excited about only days ago.

For those of you who participated in last week’s conference call, I hope that these tips today will help you as you “brain dump” and work on a tagline.  For those of you about to attend She Speaks, you’ll need these tips to avoid the discouragement of overload when you come home.  For everyone else, I hope these tips aid in giving you a needed push forward.

Here are a few simple ways to move from “want-to” to “done”:

  • Create an action item list.  Lots of times I receive new information without ever thinking about how I can practically work on the ideas that I’m learning.  Read a book or listen to a speaker with a notepad at your elbow.  When you have the thought, “Oh!  I need to do that!”, write it down.
  • Prioritize the list.  When you finish the book or get home from the conference, sit down with your list and organize it into the order in which you want to implement the tasks.  If you look at the whole list, it may seem overwhelming, but doing one thing at a time is manageable.  (See yesterday’s post for cute cartoon.  Ha!)
  • Give yourself deadlines.  After you’ve prioritized the list, begin to put deadline dates at the end of each action item.  I’ve found that if I don’t have a deadline that busyness, procrastination and/or insecurity takes over, and nothing ever gets finished.  You may have to push the deadline back if you run into the snags of life, but at least you’ve set a concrete goal.
  • Enlist accountability.  There needs to be somebody who is asking you about your work and deadlines.  You need to pick somebody who’s a little tough and won’t let you off the hook.  It also needs to be someone that you won’t be mad at if they push you a little.  That’s why my husband won’t work–poor guy.  :)  A faithful friend works, but it’s especially effective to partner with another sister in ministry.  Karen and I want to build a little Speaker-Girl community here so that you can work as a team on our Twitter and Facebook pages.  If you are attending She Speaks or another speaker conference, build friendships and connections there that can serve as your encouragement/accountability team.

I hope these tips are helpful for everyone. To those who took part in last week’s conference call, we want to hear about your “brain dumping” and new taglines!  She Speaks attendees, don’t forget your notebook to create an action items list in your breakout sessions.

This week the theme on our Facebook and Twitter feeds is “Achieving Goals”.  Tune in there for more encouragement and links to extra resources.


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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Moving from “Want-To” to “Done”

Whitney is very sick this week, so we’re going to extend some grace and let her vlog for us next week.  Would all of you join me in praying for her?  She’s got 4 little children, and we all know that moms aren’t allowed to get sick….  Let’s pray for her sweet hubby too as he takes care of the household.

So today what you’re getting is what’s at the top of my brain.  I hope it’s understandable!

My friend Rachel and I were processing yesterday about the challenge of taking new information and implementing it into our ministry.  It’s one thing to listen to a conference call, attend a conference or read a resource book, but it’s quite another to put it all into practice.  I don’t know about you, but procrastination, busyness and insecurity are only a few of the reasons that I often find myself stuck in a rut and unable to implement things that I was excited about only days ago.

For those of you who participated in last week’s conference call, I hope that these tips today will help you as you “brain dump” and work on a tagline.  For those of you about to attend She Speaks, you’ll need these tips to avoid the discouragement of overload when you come home.  For everyone else, I hope these tips aid in giving you a needed push forward.

Here are a few simple ways to move from “want-to” to “done”:

  • Create an action item list.  Lots of times I receive new information without ever thinking about how I can practically work on the ideas that I’m learning.  Read a book or listen to a speaker with a notepad at your elbow.  When you have the thought, “Oh!  I need to do that!”, write it down.
  • Prioritize the list.  When you finish the book or get home from the conference, sit down with your list and organize it into the order in which you want to implement the tasks.  If you look at the whole list, it may seem overwhelming, but doing one thing at a time is manageable (just like this cartoon!).







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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Teaching from the Word Part 2

Whitney Capps follows up last week’s post with some practical application steps.  Don’t miss next week when my adorable (and very wise) friend finishes her series on teaching from the Word with a vlog containing even more practical tips.

Isaiah 55:11
“so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
Studying Scripture is just plain hard. I have considered countless ways countless times that would make it quick and painless. I’m becoming more convinced it doesn’t exist. We are meant to struggle and scrape and come up short. It’s all part of a divine plan that reminds us we cannot do this alone and that we were never expected to.
Jesus Christ gave us the third part of the Trinity to enable bible study. As ministers of the gospel we sometimes need to be reminded that the Spirit doesn’t just equip us to share the gospel but to understand it as well. He does not want us to get it wrong. The Spirit does not equip us to passionately deliver falsehood. He desires that our messages have clarity and veracity and passion.
When I remind myself of this fact, I more confidently and intentionally study the Word with the purpose of teaching it. Here are a few practical tips I use:

1.     When preparing for a talk, I don’t study for that talk. I simply study the Word. This takes the pressure off of me. This method ensures that I don’t try to make the text say something it isn’t really saying. I’m not trying to the make the Word work; I’m letting the Spirit speak. The most compelling messages I have were developed from lessons God was teaching me personally. After a period of time and appropriate spiritual sweat equity, He granted me permission to share these lessons with others.

It’s tough not to worry that this method won’t lead to thematic material development. But it works. Themes emerge and God connects passages of Scripture that to me seemed unrelated. That’s when I know the Spirit is providing cohesion and discernment. I am not manipulating material. I don’t have an agenda. Of course, He knows how best to support each point and amplify each passage. Scripture interprets Scripture.  After all, He tells His story better than I do.

2.     When studying the Word, I ask a lot of questions. Have you ever read the Bible and thought it was a bit wordy or redundant? I have. I don’t mean to be irreverent at all. But in the midst of some passages, I’ve asked God why He didn’t edit a certain part out. The reason is simple. Every word, every phrase, every letter in black, white and blood-bought red is pregnant with meaning. So I ask Him why He preserved that detail for all eternity. What does it mean? What was that detail’s significance both then and now?

3.     When studying the Word, I try to read it like it’s new. This practice takes time and work. If you’ve been studying Scripture or listening to sermons most of your life it will be hard to read each passage taking in each word as though you are looking at it for the first time. This is tough for me. I’m a preacher’s kid. Over the last 30 years, I’ve heard my Dad deliver countless sermons on hundreds of passages of Scripture.  But because the Word is living and active, it breathes and moves. The truths presented never change because He never changes. However, the Spirit may use old passages in new ways. If I don’t presume I already “know” that passage, I may find exciting new principles and applications from stories I’ve read numerous times.

Check back in next week. I’ll be sharing a video blog (is that called a vlog?) in which I’ll give examples of how these tactics have impacted my teaching. Chat with you soon!

Wife, Mom, lover of God, enemy of Satan. I’m striving for holiness and coming up WAY short. Praise God-He’s made up not the difference but the sum total. Grace that is greater than all our sin! And in case this seems too heavy, I love shoes, handbags, a good eyebrow wax, and my iphone.

Visit Whitney’s blog to get to know her even better.



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Monday, June 18, 2012

Last Call for Karen’s Call!

This is a reminder that Karen Ehman will be leading our first group conference call this Thurs.  Here’s the skinny:

Finding Your Niche–Karen Ehman Date: June 21 Time:  8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

Have you felt the general call of God to speak to women but are a bit iffy on the specifics?  Need to hone in on what makes you uniquely “you” including your speaking messages, social media focus and online presence?  Listen and learn as Karen equips you to:

  • Find your areas of expertise by taking inventory of your strengths, weaknesses, loves and loathes.
  • Blend your life experiences, talents and spiritual gifts together to obtain your ministry niche.
  • Unearth your hidden passions and turn them into powerful messages.
  • Make it “match”–your online persona and your personal life.
  • Discover your unique place in God’s plan that will change lives–yours and your listeners!

To get every detail and to register, go to our Group Services page.  We’ve got a great group so far, and we’d love for you to join us.  We’ll accept registrations through Wednesday night at 10:00 pm EST.  Call information and the handouts will be emailed to current registrants by end of business on Tuesday and immediately to later registrants.  We can’t wait to connect with you!


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