Tuesday, August 2, 2016

An Announcement and Some Encouragement


Hi, friends! The month of July was crazy with travel, family activities, and She Speaks, but now I’m happy to be back with YOU. Thanks for hanging in there with me while I took a little blogging break.

I’m coming back with the best of news. Next Step is adding a coach!

My friend Melanie Chitwood is joining me to help those of you working on writing projects. You can click here to find out about her background and click here to read about her editing services.

Here’s what my friend Wendy Pope has to say about Melanie:

“Melanie has such a sweet spirit and a special gift of exposing the strengths and weaknesses in your writing. She is a wordsmith who will tenderly help you craft your message with excellence. You don’t want to miss the opportunity to work with her!”  ~Wendy Pope, Proverbs 31 Ministries Speaker and Writer

If you are interested in Melanie’s writing services, she’ll begin doing FREE consultation calls next week. Simply fill out the Request Information form by clicking here to schedule a conversation with her.

Melanie was always the friend I gravitated to at She Speaks when I first joined the P31 team, so I was delighted to have her back there with me this year. Here we are goofing off in the photo set.


Out of the tenderness of her heart, she typed out a post for you as soon as she got home. She’ll be posting writing tips each month, but for August she shares some great advice about getting past being overwhelmed after a conference.

Take it away, Melanie!

What to Do After You Return Home

Many of you stopping by Next Step this week will have just attended the amazing Proverbs 31 She Speaks Conference, a P31 conference held once per year for aspiring Christian speakers, writer and leaders).

When you come home from this conference (or any kind of retreat or conference), sometimes your feelings and thoughts will be all over the place.

You’ve been filled up with such good teaching, ideas, and plans!  At the same time now you’re back home where the messy house and the piles of laundry are making you anxious.  And responsibilities of kids, hubby, and work are pulling at you.  Maybe some of these feelings ring true to you.  You’re….

  • Exhausted
  • Excited
  • Eager
  • Overwhelmed
  • Confused

We understand!  We both have been attendees and have been ministering at a variety of events for years – and we still get some of these feelings!

We’d like to make some post-conference Next Step suggestions for you. 

Take a deep breath and exhale. 

Literally do that right now.

Realize you don’t have to figure it all out today, right now.  You don’t have to map out your whole ministry plan today.  You don’t have to figure out how your ministry is going to come together, all while balancing your other responsibilities. You’re going to get there, one step at a time.

You’re not going to miss out on opportunities.

You’ll start to hear about the direction other women are headed in ministry.  You’ll hear about others’ blog posts and websites and speaking opportunities and book contracts.  You might start thinking, I’ve get to get on it or I’m going to miss out. 

No, you won’t.  You won’t miss out on God’s assignment because we know you have a heart longing to obey God.  Otherwise you wouldn’t be worrying about all this!

You are not going to miss out on God’s assignments for YOU.  Open doors will come at the right time for you and the ministry God has called you to.  Ecclesiastes 3: 1 promises us, “There is a right time for everything.”  Trust Him with the timing as you seek Him. 

Seek Jesus. 

That’s the bottom line. 

And that’s your NEXT STEP.   As you seek Jesus, ask Him to show you just the next step.  And then obey.  Whatever that is.  And then ask Him for the next step, and the next.  You don’t want to run ahead of God in your own efforts, and the converse is also true: you don’t want to lag behind out of disobedience.

God knows your heart.  He’s got you.  He’s the best partner you could ever have.

We’ll continue to blog about taking one step at a time in the ministry God has called you to.  We look forward to your feedback, questions, and comments on our blog.


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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A Word from My Clients 2

This week I’d like to introduce you to Erika Opperman. Erika was a pleasure to work with, and I love that God is opening doors for her to speak to college girls. (Once you watch the video, you’ll know exactly why those girls want to hear from her!)

Click here if the video doesn’t appear.

After watching the videos of Christy and Erika, can you tell why I love my job? I work with the most awesome women! You can bet that watching Erika’s video made my day, and I promise I didn’t pay her.

One of the elements that Erika included in the message we worked on together is technology. She gave an application at the end of her message that included a response with their cell phone. Genius! That girl knows her audience!

If you’d like to work together to develop your own unique message, I’d love to work with you. Please fill out the Request Information Form, and I’ll get in touch with you to schedule a free consultation call. I look forward to hearing about what God is doing in your ministry and answering any of your questions!



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Monday, April 4, 2016

A Word from My Clients 1

Recently I asked a few of my clients this year to tell you what it’s like to work with me. Christy Williams, the cutie patootie below, and I have worked extensively together this year. She was ready to launch her God-given dream of becoming a speaker, and she’s totally gone for it!

Click here to watch the video if it doesn’t appear in your email.

Now, before you get scared of me from what Christy said at the beginning, let me explain. She’s wired a lot like me. She’s a hard-working perfectionist who likes to get a gold star on the first try. Just like me!!

But here’s what my friend Karen Ehman always says about feedback, “You don’t go to the hairdresser and pay her to tell you that you’ve got great hair and do nothing. You pay your hairdresser to cut and fix your hair.” Coaching is just like that. I’m your paid truth-teller, but I promise to do it in a gentle and encouraging way. It might not always be fun to keep working, but I promise that the results will be fabulous.

The proof is in the pudding! Although you have the flexibility of just doing a single call with me, Christy has completed multiple services– Message Development, Website Development, Biosheet Development and Speaker Organization. Take a look at the fruit of all her hard work with me coaching and cheering alongside– ChristyWilliams.org 

To see a list of all the available coaching services click here. To sign up for a free consultation call, click here, fill out the form, and don’t forget to click the “send” button at the bottom. If you don’t hear from me within 48 business hours, please email me directly at . (Sometimes the forms don’t come through.)

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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

I’m Not Sure You Can Really Help Me


Although I love speaking, I love coaching even more, so when I hear about my former clients’ successes, it’s thrills my soul.

If you’ve been thinking about possibly hiring me as a coach, but you’re on the fence, these stories will give you a little glimpse of how others have experienced coaching.

From Nanette…

The Problem: When I first talked to Nanette, I realized she was an experienced speaker, but she had two issues. She wasn’t sure how to narrow and define her ministry niche. Also, her speaking experience came from the corporate world, and she needed some help on transitioning into faith-based speaking.

The Solution: After talking through Nanette’s experiences and passions, she and I worked together to

  • Create an engaging tagline that described her ministry niche.
  • Develop a “signature message” that allowed her to share from a biblical foundation combined her her personal experience.

The Results:

Here’s what followed in Nanette’s own words (used with her permission)…

Nanette-0007“I had the opportunity in late October to speak (and facilitate) a 90-minute session with an international group of 250+ women representing Dress for Success affiliates around the globe at the organization’s worldwide conference in Charlotte. While it was a secular presentation I was able to incorporate some of what I learned working with you, and to infuse a Christian ‘other-centeredness’ in the information I shared. The feedback I received was extremely positive and the experience was SO rewarding!

That morning I got on my knees and prayed for God to give me composure so that my message could be heard and so the focus would not be on me but on the message. I have to tell you that I have never felt SO calm presenting in my life. It was a real milestone for me personally because God used it to heal me of anxiety around presenting that developed in my last corporate job. I used to love it and came to really fear it. Now I love it once again!

You have given me tools and skills that helped me to create great content and deliver it with confidence. SO grateful to you, Amy!”

~Nanette Kirsch, speaker and blogger at Faith Runner

From Amy B…

Problem: Amy is an accomplished and confident blogger with a year-old podcast. Because she has felt God calling her to speak, she attended She Speaks last year but still felt shaky about standing in front of an audience for the first time. During one conversation about a scripture she had chosen, I realized how much Amy had inside of her if only she had the confidence of a cohesive message in-hand.

The Solution:

Amy worked hard to develop an amazing message around a scripture God had been using in her life, and I gave her guidance about staying focused and organized in her message. She was ready for an opportunity, and the invite to speak at her church’s youth retreat happened the very week we finished her message! We did another coaching service together to brain-storm and polish the messages she created for the retreat.

The Results:

Here’s what Amy shared with me and allowed me to share with you. It sounds like an incredible weekend–starting with a video teaching she created for their Friday night gathering.

amy b“Friday’s session with the varied topics about how God created us, chose us, etc was a near bust when I recorded it with my dog (remember she was in the intro?) and then she kept wanting in and out of the room. I had to edit the video where I was doing that and thought it would ruin everything, but as it turns out the girls LOVED those moments and said it felt very real.

Saturday when I showed up everyone was genuinely excited to have me there–I think it was actually kind of cool for them to see the video of me Friday night and then see me in person the next day.

Saturday morning was the session I was most nervous about and it ended up being the best out of all of them.  I was able to pracitially teach how to remain by read, pray and obey. I had one of the older girls come up to me afterwards and say it was so awesome. She has ADD and she can’t normally pay attention but she did. Many great, deep conversations were started in their small groups after that.

After the weekend, I heard all kinds of wonderful feedback–phenomenal, awesome, etc.

I know so much of that is the Holy Spirit stirring in them as they hear God’s word, but also, I appreciate your help helping me organize it for them to hear it clearly. The interactive stuff on Saturday morning really made the whole weekend.

Thank you again for your help–keep doing what you’re doing.”

~Amy Bennett, Speaker, blogger and host of Feathers podcast

Thanks so much, Nanette and Amy, for letting me know how God is using your gift and allowing me to share here!  If you’d like to do a FREE consultation to talk to me about how I might be able to help your speaking ministry grow, click here to fill out the form. I’ll be back with you as quickly as I can!
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