You’ve probably heard the expression, “Attending that conference is like drinking from a fire-hydrant!”
That’s how I feel every year about She Speaks, and I have to battle the discouragement of not being able to take it all in. One way I’ve found to drink just enough is through this prayer, “Lord, speak one thing to me. Speak one life-transforming thing to me.”
He is faithful to answer that prayer.
This year…all year long…the one transforming thing has been love. Jesus has sent me back to kindergarten to re-lay some of the foundations that I skipped past. Including His love. So I’m relearning about His love, and He has been speaking loudly in His kindest voice.
I’ve decided to dub Liz Curtis Higgs, our Saturday night speaker, The Love Queen. She brought a message so full of laughter and love that it spread like an inescapable contagion through the room.
Here are two of her quotes that sank deep into my waiting heart:
“The audience feels what you feel. If you feel loved by God, your audience will feel loved by God.”
“The greatest gift you can give your audience is you and your love for God.”
That’s my “one thing”. I so want my audiences to learn the first time around the lessons I’m relearning.
God loves me completely.
There’s nothing I can do to make Him love me more. There’s nothing so bad to make Him love me less.
His love is limitless.
His love draws me back.
His love never arrives too late.
God shows me His love every day if I’ll only look.
God is love. It’s His very nature.
This week’s theme of the verses, quotes and links on Facebook and Twitter are love. Who couldn’t use a little of that? Join us.
Did you go to She Speaks? What was your “one thing”?
Recording of Karen Ehman’s conference call on “Finding Your Ministry Niche” are now on sale. Please scroll to the bottom of our “Group Services” page to purchase it. Information about how to access the call will be sent to you within 7 business days (but probably lots quicker!).