Today is our last question and answer post to finish up 2013. I’ll be taking a break next week, but our next post will come out on January 7th. Here’s the question…
I’m interested in marketing my message nationally. Other than the 3 books you offered (see the sidebar), I’m wondering if there are any books specifically geared towards marketing the message?
I have two resources to pass on. The first is a series of posts Tracie Miles did for Next Step years ago. She’s got loads of great ideas in them: Lots of you may have joined us since these were published, so I want to make sure you have access to these posts now.
Also, Rob Eager, CEO of Wildfire Marketing, is a fabulous resource. I get his Monday Morning Marketing Tips, but he also has a book out called Sell Your Books Like Wildfire. Although it targets marketing a book, but so many of his ideas cross over to speaking if you think of your messages as your product.
Merry Christmas, ya’ll!