Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spring Fling Reminder

Just a little reminder so you don’t miss out on our Spring Fling discount. It is only good through Tuesday at midnight.

Here are the details so you won’t have to search through your emails…

All services paid before the 1st will be 10% off with this discount code: SPRINGFLING10, or you can pay full price and receive an additional call FREE (a $115 value)*.

To get your discount, simply follow these steps:

1. Go to the Request Information page, and fill out the form. In the “Other Questions” box, please let me know what service you are registering for.
2. Go to the Menu of Services and pay for the service you’d like. The discount is applied to one service per customer only.
3. I will be in touch to schedule the first call of your service. (I’m spring breaking with my son, but I’ll return all emails on Thursday. We’ll schedule your start at your convenience, but we can begin as early as April 8th.)

The discounts will end at the end of the day on April 1st, so don’t miss out. I look forward to working with you!

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lonely No More. Sisters Forever!

It seems impossible Next Step Speaker Services was launched in my heart only four years ago this month. My friend Holly was traveling with me to an event, and she asked me how things were going with the Proverbs 31 team. I went on and on about the blessing our team is to me and how their experience was shared in every way.

When I needed help developing messages, I went to my new-member coach, Micca Campbell.

When struggled with my first biosheet, Renee Swope kindly helped me.

When honest feedback on my messages was needed, Karen Ehman’s challenge and encouragement was invaluable.

When I couldn’t see the flaws in my marketing materials, our executive director added her expert eye.

Everyone was further down the road than I was, and each one was generous when I was in need. I explained to Holly what a gift it is to be a part of a team. She followed with this life-changing question, “I wonder what women do when they are in ministry by themselves?”

I knew the answer…they’re lonely. I knew, because I lived it for several years before I joined the Proverbs 31 team.

In that moment, Next Step Speaker Services was born. My passion to join with women in ministry was planted with one question, but it has grown into a huge, thriving love for you over the past few years. It’s my heart’s desire that this Speaker Girl Community makes you feel understood and not alone.

To celebrate the birth of Next Step, you’ll be receiving an email today announcing our Spring Fling which starts today and runs through April 1st. I hope you’ll take the offers in your email as a gift from me to you. We’re sisters on this journey, and it’s my delight to link my arms with yours as we build God’s Kingdom together!


ps. If for some reason you don’t receive the email, please check your spam filter and then email me directly at . I’ll be happy to reply with a copy. Also, feel free to share the discount code with friends. This is all about sharing and sisterhood!


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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Fashion for Speakers

Since it’s springy and sun-shiny outside, I’m in the mood for something light and fun! Here’s a little video I shot with one of my dearest friends, Holly, who has updates on spring trends and advice for what to wear for speakers.

*Subscribers, you can click on today’s title to go to the website and watch. Hope you will! :)

to visit the updated Pinterest board with Speaker Fashions.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Time to Launch

The last step is to launch your new website, and you should celebrate it like a birth. (It sure feels like one by now, right?!) After all the work you’ve done, you want to make sure people come visit your new cyber home. Here are some tips for making a splash with your launch.

  • Plan your launch like an event. Make sure your technical team is ready, and set a date. Start to think about your website launch like a party.
  • Make sure there’s new content on your new page. When people come to visit, they should have lots of new content to explore. Include content in different formats too: visual, blog posts, social media updates, video, etc.
  • Do some teasers. Let people know when you’ll launch and give them a little glimpse into an exciting part of your new website.
  • Create a party atmosphere. Be creative, and make your launch a party. Think about doing a giveaway a sharing party or something similar to celebrate and bring others in.

We’ve come to the end of our series on creating a new website for your ministry. I hope it has been helpful to you! I’m cheering for you if  you’re launching soon, and I’d love to hear about it here!


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