Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wise Words from Mentors

“Walk with the wise and become wise….” (Prov. 13:20a)

This verse has been truly instructional for my life, and I’ve been changed as I live by it. Since I shared about coaching last week, I wanted to share some wisdom this week from some women who have been mentors of mine in the last 9 years, the Proverbs 31 Speaker Team. I asked our speaker team and the Online Bible Study Team to share their best piece of advice with you, and these are some of the responses:

“Never underestimate how the preparation for His presence proceeds the miracles of God.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve showed up at an event and felt like God wasn’t even there because there was no preparing for Him to be there. Sometimes its because I didn’t spend enough time in worship and prayer for the event. When its all about the details it can be very easy for it not to be about the anointing of God.”  ~Nicki Koziarz

“The moment I say “yes” to an event, I connect with the event coordinator, and we pray together for the event. I then ask her to send me the names of the women who register for the event. As the names come in, they send them to me, and I begin praying for each woman by name. God uses this prayer time it to create a powerful connection with the women. When I arrive, they are not strangers. They are names etched in my heart…names I would sometimes linger over as I prayed. Meeting them is precious. My heart is already tender to them as I step onto the stage. I open each event telling them they have been prayed for by name. It creates something intangible between us…a supernatural connection via the Holy Spirit!”     ~Wendy Blight

When I first felt called to speak, I was excited about speaking but wasn’t exactly sure what I was supposed to speak about. As a result, I came up with topics that I thought would be of interest to many women, and created a message around it, even if I wasn’t an ‘expert’ or fully knowledgeable in that subject area, then would back them up with appropriate scripture references, and sprinkle in a few personal stories. But over time, I realized God called me to speak about specific topics based on the experiences He had brought me through, or times in my life when I had personally seen Him at work or experienced His intervention and guidance, and not just any random subject in the Bible.  I have learned that when we can share God’s truths based on our own experiences and wisdom, and not just Bible knowledge, hearts can really be moved.  So my advice would be to steer away from speaking about random subjects that you feel would be well received or popular, and instead, pray about what God has specifically and uniquely equipped you to talk about and stick to topics where your passion for the subject matter will be evident to all who listen to your message. ~Tracie Miles 

Place a person in the audience mentally as you prepare. No matter whether your message is humorous or poignant or teaching or mentoring, see that person — their needs, their heart, their feelings — as you write, as you pack, as you take care of details, as you pray, and even as you step onto the stage. This takes the focus off of the details, off of you, and on to the woman waiting to hear what God wants to speak into her heart. ~Suzie Eller

I love how each piece of advice is unique and reflects the heart and passion of each woman who gave it. I hope this is useful wisdom for you!

As your women’s ministry plans for fall events, would you keep the Proverbs 31 Speaker Team, each of these women (and me!) in mind as you prayerfully consider speakers? We’d love to serve your women and get to meet you in person!







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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

So Sorry!

I apologize for the funky spacing on yesterday’s post. If you got frustrated and gave up reading, click here to view the corrected version. :) Thanks for grace, friends!

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Making New Friends and Keeping the Old


I have 2 primary joys as I coach Next Step clients. One is meeting new friends, getting to hear their heart-beat and reading/hearing their messages. The other is equally sweet, and it’s working with old friends over and over.

Sept10_03Today I’d like to introduce my client and friend . Charlotte was one of my first clients way back when. She has contracted for several services, and we’ve just finished working together again. Charlotte wanted a “second brain” and accountability as she developed a new retreat, so we customized a service for her.

When we were done, I asked her some questions, and I’d like to share the interview with you today!


1.  Why did you first decide to sign up for coaching services with Next Step Speaker Services? 

I attended She Speaks and received a ton of great information at the conference! However, it was so much that I wasn’t quite sure where to start or what to do next. I quickly became overwhelmed and felt instantly behind…on everything. Next Step Speaker Services is a great name for what you do because you helped me design the next steps I needed to take to make my ministry more accessible. You helped me organize all that great information into attainable goals.

2. What is the most valuable thing you’ve gained from working with a speaking coach?

A dear friend who understands the heart of teacher. You understand the burden I have to handle the Word of God with carefulness and accuracy—and how this can sometimes paralyze a me into watching a cursor blink for hours on end. Before spending time with you, I thought this experience might be an indication that I wasn’t really cut out for speaking ministry. You helped normalize these feelings and many other speaker anxieties I had thought were just exclusive to me.

3.  You’ve signed up for multiple services, and I’ve loved getting to know you so well! What made you come back? 

Every time I get off the phone with you, I think to myself. Ok, yes, I can do this. You help me think through ideas—especially when I may be stuck on a particular point in a message. Recently, I’ve discovered the invaluable benefit of having scheduled accountability sessions for message preparation. Knowing I had a weekly appointment with you made me set aside necessary time to study and write my messages.  A week before my last speaking engagement I felt ready and relaxed. No last minute writing or cramming. It was wonderful! 

4.  I got a sad email from a woman who hired a different speaking coach and said, “It was a waste of money.” Hiring a coach isn’t the least expensive say to go; it’s true. Since you’ve bought several services, I’m assuming you feel Next Step has been worth the investment. What makes you feel that way? 

I trust you to tell me the truth—but in a way that doesn’t require me to run for a tourniquet. ha ha! You have my back and will you be honest with me when something I’m doing or saying might distract from the heart of my message. At the very least, you help protect me from making a fool of myself! But more importantly, you help me develop messages that clearly point to Jesus. 

5.  What has been your favorite part of working together?

You are an encourager. We laugh together. I always feel like a better version of the woman God created me to be when I get off the phone with you.

Thank you, Charlotte! Even coaches need encouragement and affirmation, so this interview blessed me beyond measure.

If you’re interested in speaker coaching or just curious about how it works, we can schedule a free consultation call. Just read the information on the Request Information page and fill out the form. I’ll be back in touch quickly to schedule our time.


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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I Believe in Your Dream

After last week’s rant, I thought I’d send you something uplifting today. :)

dream quote (Source)

Has God called you to speak? Then invest your time in speaking. I know you can do it! I’m standing behind you cheering you on as you run toward the goals God has placed in your heart!!


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