After attending 9 times, I still love She Speaks more than my birthday! You might not love your birthday, but I’m close to narcissistic about mine. Saying I love ANYTHING more than my birthday is a big, stinkin’ deal.
This year I’m really jazzed. I’m teaching one old session, “Brass Tacks: Message Development Essentials”, which includes lots of the tips I give to my Next Step clients for their messages. I’m teaching a new session, “How to Walk in Your Calling When Your Confidence is Crashing”, about the struggles I’ve experienced this year and what I’ve learned from them in speaking and as a first-time author.
AND… I’m excited to announce that I’ll be speaking to the whole group of speakers in a large session. (Yes, fear and trembling are mixed right in with all the adrenaline.) I’d love to have your smiling, friendly face in the room! (Please feel free to sit on the front row and beam your encouragement right up at me.)
If you’ve been sitting on the fence, wondering if it’s worth the investment of time and money, I wanted to help you decide. A few friends have shared today, and I hope it pushes you off the fence and to the registration page. Here we go!
“She Speaks doesn’t wet a writer’s feet – it baptizes her into the craft of writing, editing, publishing, and marketing. I came away from the conference feeling like I’d just caught Moby Dick with a butterfly net. But what a great adventure they helped me explore!” (This is a quote from my THIRD book, ) God has allowed my writing to open doors for new speaking opportunities. Thank you, She Speaks and Amy, for letting God use you to hone the craft of those of us too timid to begin on our own. ~Donna Jackson
I attended She Speaks in both 2010 and 2013. Both times were life changing. The experience built my confidence, gave me encouragement and provided me with concrete guidance for improving my speaking. However, the greatest part was just making connections and building relationships. I appreciate all the work that P31 puts into the event that made me feel welcomed and valued. ~Amy P Boyd
Last year was my first time at She Speaks. I walked in the door a nervous wreck as I scanned the room of full of hundreds of women that I perceived to be smarter, more gifted, and “more called” than me. I left feeling more
empowered than ever before with a new confidence that God had, in fact, called me and was preparing me for what he had prepared for me to do! I can’t wait to see what this year holds! ~Adrian Jessen
When I think of my first She Speaks, I think of three words: engaged, equipped and encouraged. I came alone but soon felt engaged with 700 like-minded women. I came empty handed and left equipped to start writing and speaking. I came lacking confidence and left encouraged in my calling. Thank you Proverbs 31 Ministries, for the She Speaks experience. ~Christy Mobley
I wanted to share a few words about my She Speaks experience last summer, it is still impacting my life months later. From the moment I walked in, the atmosphere was an aroma of sweet fellowship. There was no competition. Everyone embraced one another as though our hearts were joined in divine purpose. With every new smile I met, the Lord confirmed that I was not alone on this sometimes lonely journey. I now belong to a sisterhood of twelve precious ladies who cheer on and hold up each other’s arms when we get tired. These “She Speaks Girls” are now some of my closest friends. What a blessing She Speaks is! ~Melanie Davis Porter
And now a longer story, but one I thought needed to be included to show the heart of She Speaks on every level…
God used that timing for good. It was a very emotional weekend for me, but I was so blessed to be surrounded by so many women who showered me with encouragement and prayers. One specific lady prayed with me for an extended amount of time in the prayer room. We still keep in touch on occasion. I needed that love from those women at one of the most difficult times in my life. I received it.
If that wasn’t benefit enough, I received so much wonderful teaching and encouragement to move forward and be obedient to God’s call on my life (in the midst of adversity). I am so thankful for She Speaks for all those reasons and can’t imagine how my life and my ministry may have taken a different path had I not attended. Be Still and Live is now in it’s almost 3rd year. I am living the simplelife and my desire is that other women would embark on this simplelife journey alongside me! ~Christy McGriff
By now I hope you’re all in! I hope to see each one of you there and meet you in person at some point. Maybe it’s not for you this year, but go ahead and start saving for the future. But maybe … just maybe … this is the year for you. If so, click here to go straight to the She Speaks site to register. (And make sure to come by the Next Step table so I can hug your neck!)
Hey Amy, Today is my birthday and how I’d love to come! I attended in ’09 and ’12 and loved everything about it! God did much, said much and was so present. I’ve always wanted to go back and this year He still has the door open. I’m praying and asking God to confirm it for both my husband and me. I know if I’m suppose to be there, He will make a way!! Thank you for all you do…the encouragement and wisdom I find here is truly a blessing! Thanks again, Jill