Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Building Your Platform Through Collaboration


Last year, during the writing of my book, I had a couple of big freak-outs.

The first was when I realized that Cheri Gregory’s ideas, which I had been privy to as I evaluated her messages, might have seeped through my brain and inadvertently into my content. I felt terrible! We both had written about perfectionism, but thankfully we were able to sort it all out in a conversation before my manuscript was due.

The second meltdown came after Carey Scott volunteered to give me feedback on my manuscript as I wrote. We share the same literary agent, Blythe Daniel (our beloved hero!), so I was thrilled to have Carey’s thoughts. After reading the first couple of chapters, though, Carey emailed me to withdraw from the project, because she was afraid her new book, Untangled, had too much overlap with mine. Quelle horreur! Again, I was grateful to be able to have a discussion with my new friend to work through the tangle. :)

In the process of working through these issues, the three of us decided that something beautiful had happened.

The complications didn’t seem wonderful at first, but then we began to dream about what it would look like for the three of us to collaborate instead of compete. At first glance, our books– The Cure for a Perfect Life by Cheri and Kathi Lipp, Untangled by Carey, and Breaking Up with Perfect by Moi– seemed like competitors in the market. In our conversations, we became each others’ biggest fans, so it became appealing to share each other’s content with our “tribe”.

We decided a perfectionist’s worst time of year is the holidays which helped us establish a time frame. Because we wanted to invite some others into the mix, we also wanted to keep the project simple, so we chose a blog tour format. Glynnis Whitwer and Kathi Lipp agreed to join forces with us.

Each of us has contributed, but here’s where I’ve got to tell you that Cheri has been our fearless leader and has created something far beyond our wildest dreams including graphics, a site, and video. Blog tours are set up all different ways, but you can take a look at click here to see our Wrapped in Grace blog tour site.


Here’s the main thing I want to communicate to you this week. Scripture tells us that we have shouldn’t be proprietary over our ministries. There’s really nothing truly new.

I have experienced the blessing of collaboration with this blog tour, and a by-product is that my platform had huge growth in just one day. Do you have speakers or writers around you who are tackling the same topic? Don’t worry! You have a unique voice that’s needed as much as theirs. I encourage you to tap into the power of collaboration instead of “guarding” your own material.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

It’s Coming

In case you haven’t noticed, Christmas is coming! (If you’ve been in any retail stores this week, I’m sure you’ve been alerted. Hello? Mid-October?!)

So I’m wondering… are any of you speaking at a Christmas event? It’s often a busy season for speakers, and I pray that God is opening doors for you.

If you’re speaking in December, there’s plenty of time to get ready, and I’d like to propose some coaching to you. Working as a coach is hugely gratifying, because I can flex to meet your needs. Here are a few options for getting ready for your December event:

  • Message Development– If you are creating a brand new message, we could start this six-week service (5 30-minute phone calls) together next week and be finished by the end of November. Message development takes a big task and breaks it into do-able chunks. I’ll love to put my head together with yours to create a fresh message!
  • Message Evaluation– Having another speaker critique one of my messages is the most valuable growing experiences I’ve had as a speaker. I’d love to do it for you! We could do one call where I give you feedback on a recorded/videoed message from the past. It sounds scary, but I promise it’s not. I’ll give you honest feedback (that’s what you pay for, right?), but I’m an encourager at heart who loves to find the strengths in every message.
  • Specialized Speaker Call– Would you love to have an audience before you stand in front of your audience? I can read the message you’ve created and give you written feedback that we’ll discuss in a single phone call.

Maybe you have a specialized need, and you’re not sure if I can help. I’m super honest in my free consultations, and if I can’t help, I’ll give you a referral.

To talk through the options, just fill out the form on the Request Information page. I’ll be back with you quickly to set up a FREE phone consultation to answer any questions about speaker services.

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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Why Retreats Are My Favorite


All the Christmas decorations appearing in the store have me thinking about one of our family’s favorite Christmas movies, Elf. I love the scene where he says “Smiling is my favorite.” Me too. I remember being told in school that I smiled too much, but I don’t believe there is such a thing. :)

One of my other favorites is a retreat. Since I have two in two successive weekends, I don’t have a lot of time to blog today, but I wanted to give you a little food for thought in the form of some tips for retreats.

To make the most of the golden opportunity to speak at a retreat:

  • Plan some interactive aspects to your sessions. Usually there are 3-5 sessions to speak for at a retreat if you’re the main speaker. That’s a lot of talking, and it’s a lot of listening for our audiences. I used one session last weekend to teach a Bible study tool, and I made it interactive. It was the session that received the most positive feedback.
  • Pray for ministry off the stage. This is why I love retreats so much. I love how God sits me with just the right person during the spa time or at lunch. I would even say the best ministry happens off the stage. You must make yourself warm and accessible, though, for this to happen. My heart is broken when I hear about speakers who are only spotted at retreats during sessions while they speak. I consider it part of my job and calling to be available to attendees.
  • Having said that, we all know it’s completely exhausting to be “on” all the time. It’s important to take time away in the quiet of your room to rest and sleep too. I’ll try to play some games on the first night, but I won’t stay up all night. When attendees are busy with free-time activities, I split the time between interacting and resting.

These are just a few tips for retreats. Would y’all share with the sisters to round out my advice with yours?

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