Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Finding the Up-Sides to Failure

As I sat down to write today, I realized that something rare is happening. I. Have. No. Words.

It’s been one of those weeks with high highs and some low lows. God is doing a work in me, but it’s left me feeling tired and stripped. It’s days like these that I have to ask myself, “Is ministry worth it?”

Earlier today, God reminded me that the answer is always yes because of Jesus. And He reminded me that He has a sense of humor because He used the words coming out of my own mouth to do it.

Today I’m out of wisdom and lessons, but a month ago when I recorded Grit ‘n’ Grace, the new podcast that I co-host with Cheri Gregory, I had a lot of truth to share that I needed to hear (and live) today.

True confession: I actually yelled, “Shut up!” (in the mean way not the funny way) at myself as I listened the produced version. It hurt so good, you know?

So instead of new wisdom, I’m going to share words from a month ago that sank into my heart again today. Here’s a little glimpse of what’s included.

  • It’s actually scriptural that ministry stinks sometimes.
  • Why writing a book has been the hardest journey ever for me.
  • A new (genius) view from Cheri about how to see failure.

Click on the graphic below to listen. (Also I’d love your feedback. Is there anything you’d like to hear Cheri & I process? Anybody you’d like for us to contact for an interview?)

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