Monday, February 9, 2015

Freshen Up: Part 2

It’s that time of year! I couldn’t be more excited to announce that the registration for She Speaks is OPEN!!

she speaks button

Before you click on the link to visit the site, I need to issue a warning. You’re going to want to go. There are fabulous new breakouts and guest speakers that you won’t want to miss. So start saving your pennies. It’s an investment that you’ll never regret. Promise.

Last week, I started a series called “Freshen Up” about freshening elements of your ministry. We’re covering messages first, and this is actually part of the information that Karen Ehman and I delivered in a She Speaks breakout last year. Today’s post is great teaching that Karen shared. (Wanted to give credit where credit is due!)

Great messages have four major elements:

  • Information– Anything factual in your message would be information. This can include many things including statistics, outside studies, an explanation of the problem embedded in your topic, or information from experts.
  • Inspiration– Stories and quotes are elements that provide inspiration. Any part of your message that motivates or supplies “want-to” to your audience can be counted as inspiration.
  • Revelation– Teaching from scripture is the revelation part of your message.
  • Transformation– Application points, challenges, and practical steps toward change are included in  your transformation portions.

To refresh your messages, do an inventory exercise. Choose a different color highlighter for each element. For example, go through your message and highlight all the information with yellow. Then follow and highlight the inspiration with pink, etc.

When you’re finished highlighting each element, ask yourself:

  • Do I have all four elements represented in my message?
  • How is the balance? This isn’t completely straight-forward because you don’t have to have an equal balance. In fact, different settings need a different points of emphasis. If you’re teaching a Bible study class, it’s still advisable to have all four elements, but the revelation is going to be heavier. If you’re speaking at a fund-raiser, the inspiration will have the most weight.
  • What element(s) do I need to add or strengthen?

Once you have a sticky statement (click here to read last week’s post) and all four elements of a compelling message, you’re well on your way to refreshing your message!


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  1. Thank you Amy (and Karen) for sharing this with us! It’s especially a treat for those of us who are unable to go to She Speaks.

  2. Amy, I will be attending She Speaks this year! I have been a Compel Training member for a bit and missed it last year. I am writer but I have had 2 invites to speak in March. Yikes! I have spoken publicly before but not in a while. God dropped you in my sights today and I am absorbing all that you have to offer me here. I don’t a written message per say sooooo, I must develop one. I am praying! Hard! I appreciate your help. Thanks for a great site!

    • Make sure to come see me at the Next Step table at She Speaks. If the Message Development Service would be a help for your upcoming events, just fill out the Request Information form. We’ll schedule a free consultation to see if it’s a good fit. :)



  1. […] series to take a fresh look at your messages? Have you developed a sticky statement? Made sure all the essential elements are in place? In this last post about freshening messages, I want to challenge you to replace any […]


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